Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Tips Buka Puasa Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

Tips Buka Puasa Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

Halo sobat semuanya, berikut ini saya di tresno English akan membagikan sebuah artikel bahasa Inggris tentang Tips Berbuka Puasa. Artikel ini dapat digunakan untuk tambahan pengetahuan hingga untuk kultum. 

Untuk lebih lengkapnya yuk langsung saja kita simak ......

1. Eat sweet  food first
To restore power, so that the body can be fresh and not limp it is advised to consume food or sweet drinks such as dates and other sweet drinks, it is advisable to use natural sugar rather than artificial sweeteners.
Do not just eat heavy foods such as rice and dishes.

2. Gradually
During breaking the fasting try little by little, so that the digestive system is not surprised by the arrival of food after a day of not eating food.

3. No exaggeration
Something that excess is not good, as well as breaking the fasting. It is advised not consume appetizers too much, so as not sleepy when  tarawih prayers and can consume nutritious foods after tarawih prayer.

4. do not directly drink ice
Drinking ice when breaking is very refreshing, but do not drink when breaking, because ice can cause flatulence, drink warm for the first, and only after it is cold

Demikianlah artikel saya kali ini yang berjudul Tips Buka Puasa Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris semoga bermanfaat ........
Tetaplah di tresno English, terima kasih ....

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