Saturday, June 18, 2016

Surat Bahasa Inggris tentang Buka Puasa Bersama

Surat Bahasa Inggris tentang Buka Puasa Bersama

Hai guys, apa kabar semuanya ? semoga semuanya baik dan lancar semua actifitasnya.... amiin .... pada kesempatan kali ini saya di tresno English akan berbagi artikel yang berjudul Surat Bahasa Inggris tentang Buka Puasa Bersama. 

Silahkan disimak ....

Banjarnegara, June 18 th 2016

Sono Prabowo

Hi my brother, this Ramadlan are you always in Semarang ? I do hope so. I do hope too that this Idul Fitri you want to be at my home town.

Ow ya my brother, can we break the fast together ? I know that this is the last year you are in central Java because you will finish yur study in August this year, so next year I do not know where will you go ? you will continue your study or may be you will work.

It means that I will be very difficult to see you. It is difficult to have a chance to break our fast together.

Could you please consider when can you have chance to break the fast together. Please spare your time for this.

I do not want to be disappointed because of not having chance to break the fast together with you.

I think this Ramadhlan you have holiday, so if it is possible for you just go to Wonosobo and then I will be there too.

Or I will be very happy too if you want to come to my house. It will be the greatest story of mine in this Ramadlan.

Ok, brother I think thats all. I do hope you are willing to spare your time for this.

Thanks a lot.

Your sincerely


Oke brother, demikianlah posting ini yang berjudul Surat Bahasa Inggris tentang Buka Puasa Bersama untuk sobat semuanya, semoga bermanfaat. Sekian dan terima kasih. 

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