Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Cerita bahasa Inggris menggunakan Simple Past tense

Cerita bahasa Inggris menggunakan Simple Past tense

Berikut ini adalah contoh cerita bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan rumus past tense.

Seeing my student
      Last Sunday I went to Pejawaran. It was my planning sice some weeks before. I had to go there because one of my student named Irfan was absent from school for some weeks. As a home room teacher, I had a responsibility to see him. He had some problems that made him not go to school.

      Although it was cloudy, but I had to go to his house. I had not known his address yet. I brought a note from one of his classmate who knew his house. I started to go there. I had to asked around some people till finally I could arrive in his village. I did not care the weather, because the important thing was seeing my Irfan.

Arriving in the village, I got off. I met some mothers who were on the way. I asked them where Irfan’s house was. One of them tol me that his house was overthere. She told me that his house was behind the blue house that was seen from there. I directly went there. I just arrived infront of a gate way. I directly saw him who was sitting down alone infront of the house. Of course it shocked me so much and so did he.

      He asked me to come in. He was alone at home. We talked many things. I was very happy because he finally wanted to listen my suggestion and he was willing to go to school again. I wanted him to study at school. I told him that I would be willing to help him solving his problems.

      After talking some minutes, his father went home. We talked it together. They were happy because of my attendance.

      I was very happy because I was successful to persuade him to go to school again. I did not want that he stayed only at home without doing something. I wanted him study and study. I thought that one day he would and could understand all my good intention.

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