Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang liburan Akhir Semester

Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang liburan Akhir Semester

Last holiday I went to my grandparent’s house in Banjarnegara, I was there during three days. I purposely wanted to go there. My parent offered me where would I go on the holiday. I chose going to my grandparent in Banjarnegara. My father delivered me to Banjarnegara on Monday and he picked me up on Wednesday afternoon. I met my playmates and I played everyday with them. They looked happy to see and play with me and so did I.
On Tuesday my grandpa invited me to go to garden. He had many zalacca trees in the garden. I helped him to work there. Before going to the garden, I had to wear boots, long-sleve t-sirt, thick trousers, glove and hat. In the garden I helped my grandpa to cut brances of old zalacca trees. I used a sharp sickle. For me it was difficult job to do, but it was very easy for my grandpa who was accustome in doing it everyday.
After finishing the job, my grandpa and I picked some Zalacca fruits to take home. I brought a pack of Zalacca fruit. I had to walk about one kilometers away. Arriving home, ow.... I became very tired. Ya for me it was tiring but pleasing activity. In the house, my grandma asked me to peel the zalacca fruits. She made zalacca soup. Mmmm, it was very delicious.
On Wednesday, my parent and my sibling came to pick me up. Actually my grandpa wanted them to spent the night there, but,... the following day my father had to go to work so they could not spent the night there. We went home in the afternoon, we did not forget to bring Zalacca fruit. I like spending holiday in Banjarnegara. Next holiday I plan to come there again....

Demikian cerita bahasa Inggris tentang liburan Akhir semester, tetaplah di tresno English untuk materi bahasa Inggris yang lainnya, demikian semoga bermanfaat, terima kasih ..

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