Saturday, July 30, 2016

Menulis Surat Bahasa Inggris –ke Semarang

Menulis Surat Bahasa Inggris –ke Semarang

Halo sobat tresno English semuanya. Terima kasih masih bersama saya di tresno English. Apa kabarnya ? semoga semuanya sehat dan tetap semangat belajar bahasa Inggris. Oke sobat, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi sebuah postingan yang berjudul Menulis Surat Bahasa Inggris –ke Semarang. Surat ini ditulis karena ada bentrok jadwal bepergian. 

Oke yuk disimak bersama ya ....

Friday, July 22, 2016

Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang Sekolah Baru

Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang Sekolah Baru

Hai sobat tresno English semuanya yang budiman. Terima kasih masih bersama saya di tresno English.

Nah pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi sebuah postingan yang berjudul Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang Sekolah Baru untuk sobat semuanya semoga bermanfaat.

Oke langsung saja silahkan disimak bersama.......

Galih’s first day at School.
        Galih is the first grader student of Senior high school. After from Junior High School he continues to Senior high school.
        His firts day is very amazing. He has many friends. One of his friend is Ando, both directly become good friend. Both of them stay together in one class.
        When they went to have lunch together they chatted about where did they come from. Galih told to Ando that he ever stayed in boarding school. Then Ando told him too. Actually both of them ever stayed in one boarding school. Ando asked him whether  Galih knew his friend named Tresno. Of course Galih said “yes”. Then Ando told him that the day before he just came to Tresno’s house.
        Ando told him that in Tresno’s house he found his picture on the wall of tresno’s house.
Galih did not know it because he never went there. Galih did not believe and he asked Ando to go there together one day.
        Galih looks very happy being a senior high school student that can get many friends and knowleges.

Demikianlah postingan saya pada kesempatan kali ini yang berjudul Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang Sekolah Baru semoga bermanfaat.
Tetaplah di tresno English ya ........ terima kasih dan sampai jumpa lagi .....

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang Bermain Pokemon Go

Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang Bermain Pokemon Go
Halo sobat tresno English semuanya, terima kasih masih senantiasa bersama saya di tresno English. Untuk kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi sebuah postingan yang berjudul Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang Bermain Pokemon Go.
Yuk langsung saja kita simak ceritanya.
My new game “Pokemon Go !!”

Pokemon go is one of very interesting game for Ulan. Since he got the game, he almost forgot all of his games in his smart phone.

Now he has the Pokemon Go. He looks so happy. He looks like enjoying very different kind of game. The way he plays the game is also different.

He is so focus on that game. In the game, he must look for the Pokemon that can appear in uncurtain place such as in the house, garden, office, market and so forth.

He looks so buzy when play it. He must be very active and so serious. It was very funny that yesterday he was being in the super market. He started to play the game on the way to market as his elder brother asked him to buy some coffee.

Arriving in the super market he was so focus on his game. He looked for the Pokemon in any place iin the super market. He found his Pokemon around the place of dress. He then got close and the shop keeper said “ what can I do for you ?” he kept silent.

He found the Pokemon in the stationary place. He entered that room and then the shop keeper said to him “can I help you ?”. but he just kept silent and focused on the game.

He finally found the Pokemon at the exit. Then he directly ran away to the exit and he went home. Arriving at home his elder brother asked “ where is my coffee?”. He kept silent, he stopped playing his game and hhe directly remembered that he was asked by his elder brother to buy him coffee.

He appologized and he got back to the super market to buy the coffee. He was so sorry for his elder brother because he did not focus on his elder brother but his new game. His elder brother was angry with him and he got punishment.

Okay sobat, demikianlah cerita bahasa Inggris saya tentang Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang Bermain Pokemon Go untuk sobat semuanya semoga bermanfaat. Tetaplah di tresno English ya ........ terima kasih and see you soon.....

Monday, July 11, 2016

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang kegiatan bulan Ramadlan

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang kegiatan bulan Ramadlan

Halo semuanya, semoga semuanya fine fine aja ya..... oke sobat, jumpa lagi dengan saya di tresno English, pada kesempatan kali ini postingan saya adalah tentang Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang kegiatan bulan Ramadlan.
Buat yang sedang mencari postingan semacam ini, yuk silahkan disimak dengan seksama ....

: hi, how are you today? Are you okay ? are you fasting ?
: hi, I am fine thank you and you ?
: fine thanks.
Just now you asked me whether I was fasting ? mmmmm, of course. What about you ?
: me too ....
: okay, talking about fasting. Usually there are so many activities in ramadlan such as breaking our fasting together. Do you like it ?
: mmmm, yes I do. And you?
: and so do I. Hehehe....
: with whom do you usually have agenda to break your fasting ?
: mmm I usually do it together with my schoolmates.
: do you have the agenda for this Ramadlan ?
: yes I do. It was about three days ago my friends and I had this agenda together.
: where did you and your friends do it ?
: we did it in one of our friend’s home. It was rather far from  mine but for me it was so okay because the important thing was that our togetherness, we could be together in that moment to enjoy eating together.
: mmmm its so interesting
: by the by, what about you ? do you have that agenda this Ramadlan ?
; no, hehehe... up till now neither of my friends talk about it. We are away each other. It is difficult enough to be together after we finish our study then we never meet one another. Last year we could creat that agenda but especially this mont I guess we will not have it.
: mmmm its so bad. Poor you...
: when will you have the sama agenda again?
: why?
: I will join, hahaha
: oh my god ..... just go to my home this afternoon, hehehe.

Oke, demikianlah sobat semuanya postingan saya berjudul Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang kegiatan bulan Ramadlan untuk sobat semuanya semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih dan see you ....

Going to Depo Pelita Kalibenda

Going to Depo Pelita Kalibenda

Halo sobat semuanya, terima kasih masih bersama saya di tresno English yang pada kesempatan kali ini akan membagikan sebuah postingan sebuah cerita menggunakan bahasa Inggris  yang berjudul Going to Depo Pelita Kalibenda. 

Cerita bahasa Inggris ini dapat menambah cerita bahasa Inggris kamu terutama tentang cerita pengalaman pribadi
Oke, langsung kita check it out !!!!!!