Monday, February 29, 2016

Membuat percakapan bahasa Inggris

Membuat percakapan bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini adalah membuat percakapan bahasa Inggris dengan kosa kata yang mudah sekali untuk difahami karena menggunakan kosa kata sehari-hari.  

Kalimat Negative Simple Present Tense

Kalimat Negative Simple Present Tense

Halo sobat semua yang budiman..... terima kasih masih bersama tresno English. Pada kesempatan kali ini tresno English akan mengajak kamu semua untuk membuat kalimat negative simple present tense. Seperti kita tahu bahwa dalam simple present itu ada kalimat positiv, negative dan interrogativenya, nah ... khusus kali ini akan dibahas kalimat negative nya.
Kalimat Negative Simple Present Tense dibuat dengan rumus:

Friday, February 26, 2016

Teks bahasa Inggris tentang pergi ke Dieng

Teks bahasa Inggris tentang pergi ke Dieng

Hai sobat yang budiman semuanya. Dalam page ini tresno English akan menyajikan teks bahasa Inggris tentang pergi ke Dieng dengan judul The Wet Trip to Dieng Plateu. Cerita nyata yang ditulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

The Wet Trip to Dieng Plateu

          Some days ago, it was on Wednesday Tresno finally decided to go to Dieng plateu after some plans to go there were unworkable because of the uncertain climate. He went there with his dearly beloved brother Ivin.

          They left for there in the morning. of course he hoped so much that the day would be sunny  and supporting the trip. He remembered one day when he and his lovely brother went there and they caught in rain. Tresno did not want to have such trip again.

          Arriving in Garung market, the situation was cloudy. His lovely brother asked him to take rest there. They had lunch on meetball. At that time rain came down so heavy. Fortunately they brought two raincoats. How dissappointed Tresno was. He did not think that the weather became like that. It was different from the morning.

          In Dieng plateu they did not take rest. His lovely brother asked him to go home because it did not enable them to walk around or visit Dieng temples. The situation in the tourism destination were silent without any visitoers. The trip was very bad. It was not pleasing anymore.

          Actually Tresno would invite his lovely brother to call on Revan’s house that was not far from Dieng temple complex but tresno really felt sorry for his lovely brother who looked tired and coldness.

          Finally we just went straight to Sibebek. We just passed the Dieng Plateu to get Sibebek in their grandma’s village. They  took rest there a moment. They  prayed, had lunch and then they went home. They caught in rain from start till finish till they arrived home.

Demikianlah teks bahasa Inggris tentang pergi ke Dieng dengan judul The Wet Trip to Dieng Plateu versi tresno English. Terima kasih ....

Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang pergi kerumah sakit

Cerita bahasa Inggris tentang pergi kerumah sakit

Mungkin pernah disuatu ketika dan suatu tempat kita melihat orang yang mirip dengan sahabat-sahabat kita yang kebetulan jauh. Bagaimana? Tentu akan teringat bukan? Terlebih jika orang lain mirip dengan orang-orang spesial kita. Nah pada bagian ini tresno english menceritakan cerita tersebut dalam bahasa Inggris yang berjudul A nurse like brother. Silahkan disimak .....
A nurse like brother
Yesterday I went to Banjarnegara Hospital. I visited my grand mother who was unwell. She hospitalized for some days there. I saw a group of boys. They were  nurses. They were all in white uniform. I did not know that suddenly I remembered my brother named Sono Prabowo who was studying in nursing faculty in Semarang. 
I imagined if one of the nurse was Sono Prabowo. I would be happy indeed to see him  there. Of course I would directly greet him the first. I would invite him to go to my house.
When I remembered him I prayed for him to be better. I prayed for him in order that he would be always fine, healthy, safe, successful, energetic, and he could get whatever he wanted amiin.
I hoped too that he lived in central Java so that he would not be far away from myself. Actually I ever told him to get married in Banjarnegara but he said that he had his own girl friend from Malaisia and Pemalang Central Java.
The nurse I saw really called me back on my brother Sono Prabowo. It had been long time enough not see him and I did not know when would we see one another. I did hope to see him soon ....

Demikianlah cerita bahasa Inggris yang berjudul  A nurse like brother untuk kamu sekalian semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa tetaplah di tresno English ya ....... akses terus materi-materi bahasa Inggrisnya..... terima kasih .

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Surat bahasa Inggris tentang kehilangan hp

Surat bahasa Inggris tentang kehilangan hp 

Berikut ini adalah contoh surat bahasa Inggris untuk teman. Surat ini berisikan tentang penulis yang kehilangan hp dan menceritakan kejadiannya serta menasehati supaya lebih berhati-hati menggunakan hp ditempat-tempat umum. 

Membuat kalimat positif dalam simple present tense

Membuat kalimat positif dalam simple present tense

Bersama tresno English, mari kita membuat kalimat positif dalam simple present tense. Untuk membuat kalimat positif dalam simple present tense caranya sangat sederhana. Cukup kita mengikuti rumus saja kita langsung bisa membuatnya.
Untuk membuat kalimat positif dalam simple present tense kita dapat menggunakan rumus berikut ini
S + V1 + (S/ES) + O
Supaya enak dalam menyusun kalimatnya kita dapat mengikuti rumus tersebut diatas. Pertama kita tentukan S atau subjectnya, kemudian didikuti V atau kata kerja bentuk pertama atau kata kerja yang ada didalam kolom pertama. Kemudian kita tambahkan S/ES untuk subject he, she, it dan subject tunggal. Nah baru kita tambahkan objectnya.
Maka kalimatnya adalah sebagai berikut ini .....
1.   Ando goes to Jambi with his friends
2.   You lose your hand phone twice
3.   I always try to maintain my good friendship
4.   They arrange good sentence to update status
5.   She suggests me to be patient and brave
6.   She knows how sad I am
7.   Someone tells me to care the relationship
8.   I always love my brotherhoods
9.   Probably they forget me easily
10.                We buy some expensive computers in Japan
11.                He eats out the fried rice in diningroom alone
12.                Some students study English in a group
13.                I hope he comes here on time
14.                Andre brings some delicious meals from canteeen
15.                Wahid still wants to contact me

Adapun hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat membuat kalimat positif dalam simple present tense adalah adanya tambahan S/ES yang terjadi apabila subject kalimat yang digunakan adalah he, she, it dan subject tunggal seperti nama orang misalnya.
Demikianlah penjelasan dari tresno English tentang Membuat kalimat positif dalam simple present tense semoga bermanfaat
Tetaplah di tresno English ya .... terima kasih..

Membuat kalimat Conditional Sentence tipe 2

Membuat kalimat Conditional Sentence tipe 2

Mari kita bersama membuat kalimat Conditional Sentence tipe 2. Caranya lumayan sederhana. Hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bahwa dalam conditional sentence tipe 2 ini adalah bersifat lampau atau past tense. Oleh karena itu kedua kalimatnya menggunakan past future dan past tense. 
Berikut ini adalah contohnya....

Past Future
Past tense
Sono Prabowo would go to Banjarnegara
If he did not have full actifities
Irfan would feel at home there
If the rules were firm
Adev would agree with me
If I suggested him about that
Itsnaina would find her old friends
If she joined the social media
They would get punishment
If they did not obey the instructions
He would buy a thick jacket
If there was snow here
The doctor would give you the medicine
If he knew the desease
Galih would close the door
If I did not knock it
I would often call Agus
If I knew his phone number
Rima would feel sad
If I had many problems of life
The house would be bad
If the owner did not care it
My brotherhoods would be passive
If I just kept silent
It would be so nice
If I found the way to Narno
I would not feel happy
If she was sad
My facebook would be so bad
If I did not change the password soon

Dengan mengikuti pola kalimat conditional sentence tipe 2 diatas, silahkan kamu coba membuat kalimatnya sendiri dengan ide-ide mu yang lebih banyak lagi supaya kamu akan semakin faham dengan materi conditional sentence tipe 2 ini.

Sekian dahulu dari tresno English, semoga bermanfaat. Tetaplah di tresno English dan akses materi kami yang lainnya. Terima kasih.