Friday, February 17, 2017

Surat Bahasa Inggris Tentang Sono’s Wedding

Surat Bahasa Inggris Tentang Sono’s Wedding

Berikut ini adalah  Surat Bahasa Inggris tentang Sono’s Wedding ditulis oleh tresno English khusus buat kamu smuanya yang sedang mencari contoh surat dengan tma yang sama. 

Surat Bahasa Inggris tentang Sono’s Wedding ini dapat digunakan sebagai contoh surat ataupun juga tambahan informasi serta materi bahasa Inggris. 

Surat Bahasa Inggris tentang Sono’s Wedding untuk kamu semua, silahkan disimak .....

Banjarnegara,  February 8th 2017

Hi my tresno, just wanna tell you that I have something very important for you. What is that?. It is about our dearly beloved Sono Prabowo’s wedding.

Some days ago when I called him in the night he told me that he would get merried with a girl he met in Bandung when he studied there for a month.

He did not tell me when and where the wedding was. He only told me that the wedding would be soon. Untill now I have not contacted him yet to confirm about his wedding.

I feel that we have to come to his wedding party but I do not know the date and also the place. I really hope that the place is not in his hometown in Sumatra because I will be rather difficult to come. I hope the agenda will be conducted in Semarang so that it is easy enough for me to come.

I hope too that I can go there in the framework of celebrating his wedding party. We have to spare our time to come there.


Demikianlah  Surat Bahasa Inggris tentang Sono’s Wedding versi tresno English untuk kamu semuanya semoga bermanfaat.
Tetaplah bersama saya di tresno English. Terima kasih ...

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