Monday, September 26, 2016

Cerita Ulang tahun Mujab Menggunakan bahasa inggris

Cerita Ulang tahun Mujab Menggunakan bahasa inggris

       Berikut ini adalah cerita ulang tahun Mujab menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Postingan ini cocok sekali buat sobat tresno English semuanya yang sedang mencari cerita ulang tahun menggunakan bahasa inggris ataupun sedang mencari cerita menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
Silahkan disimak .....

Mujab’s Birthday
       On Friday last week was my friend’s birthday. He was Mujab, my classmate when I was in university. Usually I do not forget to make him a special birthday card and then I send him via facebook. But this year I cannot do as usual. I had many things to do so that I had no more time to make him a birthday card.
       I was also almost late to say happy birthday to him. On Friday just by chance I had no schedule to go to school so that I could not open my facebook. In the evening I did not forget to send him my congratulation via handphone.
       I was actually so uncomfortable to do this, but that’s okay the important thing was that I could congratulate him on his special day.
       Actually I would make him a special birthday card and I would upload it on his facebook like usual, but because it had been late so I did not get to make the card. I do hope for the next birthday I could have enough preparition so that I can make him a special birthday card.

Demikianlah cerita ulang thaun Mujab menggunakan bahasa Inggris semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih dan see you soon ....

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