Saturday, July 30, 2016

Menulis Surat Bahasa Inggris –ke Semarang

Menulis Surat Bahasa Inggris –ke Semarang

Halo sobat tresno English semuanya. Terima kasih masih bersama saya di tresno English. Apa kabarnya ? semoga semuanya sehat dan tetap semangat belajar bahasa Inggris. Oke sobat, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi sebuah postingan yang berjudul Menulis Surat Bahasa Inggris –ke Semarang. Surat ini ditulis karena ada bentrok jadwal bepergian. 

Oke yuk disimak bersama ya ....

Banjarnegara, 30 th 2016

Dear Tresno,

          Halo my friend, I will tell you that I cannot go to Semarang on August 23 rd. At that time I had told you that I would go there on 23 rd and then I would spent the night there so that I could attend the graduation day of my brother Sono Prabowo easily.

          As you know that my brother will have his graduation day of his study on August 24 th. I planned to go there on the 23 rd in order that I could be relax and I would spend the night there. Unfortunately I have a very important thing in my family agenda that does not enable me to go there on the 23 rd.

          But I do hope I can go there on the 24 th because I will not miss that very rare chance to be with my brother. At least I can go there to congratulate him on his graduation day.

          I do hope too that on the sama day I will not have same important agenda.

Sincerely yours.

Demikianlah sobat tresno English semuanya semoga postingan saya ini yang berjudul Menulis Surat Bahasa Inggris –ke Semarang bermanfaat.
Terimakasih dan samapai jumpa lagi di tresno English.

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