Friday, October 9, 2015

An Indonesian sentence pattern

An Indonesian sentence pattern

Bahasa Indonesia has pattern to arrange a sentence. It is just like English. The language learner has to follow to the pattern to facilitate them how to arrange a sentence. In bahasa Indonesia there is S + P + O + K, we use it to make good sentence.
S + P + O + K
S = subyek or subject
He /she

Dia can be either male or female.

kamu and kalian = you

P = predikat or predicate
bahasa indonesia has verb but it does not have to be. We can fill predicate with kata kerja /verb
mengambil         take
memakan           eat
menyuruh           ask
membawa           bring
menaruh             put
mengajak           invite

O = obyek  or object
We must  consider the kata kerja / verb before  choosing the obyek /object.
We use kata benda / noun to make obyek /object
Pisau                             knife
Buah-buahan               vegetable
Siswa                            student
Makanan                       food
Pakaian                        dress
Kawan-kawan             friends

K = keterangan or adverb
Using kata keterangan / adverb to tell where, when, how etc.
Tadi pagi                                this morning
Besok siang                          tomorrow afternoon
Nanti malam                          this evening
Di jalan raya                          on the highway
Di dalam ruangan                 in the room
Didepan kantor                     infront of the office

So, using S + P + O + K we can make the following sentences...
1.   Saya mengambil pisau tadi pagi
2.   Kamu makan sayuran besok siang
3.   Dia menyuruh siswa nanti malam
4.   Mereka membawa makanan didalam ruangan
5.   Kita mengajak teman-teman didepan kantor

That’s all by brief explanation about how to arrange indonesian sentence using SPOK. Thanks for your attention and tata for now.....

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